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ISPSLIB not being allocated at logon

PostPosted: Wed 03 Sep 2014, 09:29
by nclouston
I was wondering why my File Tailoring was not working. The rc indicated skeleton not found but it is there in the PDS. So I did an ISRDDN and found that N13964.ISPSLIB was not allocated to DD ISPSLIB. All my other ISP* datasets are allocated OK. Am I missing something? A search for 'allocation' showed that for one allocation the dataset name must be of a certain format so I am wondering...

Re: ISPSLIB not being allocated at logon

PostPosted: Wed 03 Sep 2014, 09:47
by prino

Code to allocate it is
Code: Select all

Don't know why this is not a more standard name. Changing the logon exec it isn't really an option, until I have done a scan to see who's using this format.


Re: ISPSLIB not being allocated at logon

PostPosted: Wed 03 Sep 2014, 12:22
by nclouston
Excellent, Robert! Now working so now debugging!