How do we get password reset?

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How do we get password reset?

Postby nclouston » Sat 13 Jan 2018, 22:10

The self-service facility was disabled a few weeks ago - pending an upgrade. For new IDs we are requested to contact Admin. But I need a password reset - mine expired, I changed it and promptly forgot what it was - the old grey-matter is getting just that - old! I have fired off a couple of emails but nothing back? Am I going to have to wait until the self-service is back or will someone actually get round to it? Useid is nicc just in case.
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Re: How do we get password reset?

Postby steve-myers » Sun 14 Jan 2018, 00:31

Nicc, it seems to me the self service service has been down for far too long. I hope whoever is trying to fix it finds a solution to help all of us.
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Re: How do we get password reset?

Postby RSI01DD » Thu 08 Mar 2018, 13:18

Hi Steve Myers.
Could you please reset my password for TSO (RSI01DD).
Dan D
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Re: How do we get password reset?

Postby steve-myers » Thu 08 Mar 2018, 15:14

No. The problem is we have no way of knowing that you are the actual owner of of the userid. Not that the TSO self serve, if they ever get it working again, is all that great but by tying the TSO userid to the e-mail used when it was registered is a limited proof of ownership.

Similarly, the admins will not create TSO userids, for the same reason; the userid will not be connected to the self service mechanism.

What's more, the userid was last used in 2015! It should have been deleted more than a year ago! It survived because it's in the list of users that are exempt from the requirement they use the system at least once a year.
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Re: How do we get password reset?

Postby tommy72 » Sun 13 Jan 2019, 11:00

I've lost my TSO password, how can I retrieve it?
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Re: How do we get password reset?

Postby prino » Sun 13 Jan 2019, 17:52

tommy72 wrote:Hi,
I've lost my TSO password, how can I retrieve it?

What is your TSO userid and is this the email address you registered with "thomas.dechiara(at)europe(dot)com"?

Robert AH Prins
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