Read this first and please follow these rules when posting

This forum provides the support of Dezhi Mainframe systems. Please post your questions about logon, usage of our mainframe environment.

Moderators: sysprog, prino, sfan, steve-myers, Tim001

Read this first and please follow these rules when posting

Postby prino » Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:22

If you encounter a problem on the FanDeZhi system, try to make it as easy as possible for everyone to help you.

To do so, it is absolutely necessary to provide us with your z/OS userid,

  • if the problem concerns a JOB, please provide the JOBNAME and JESNO
  • if the problem concerns a dataset, provide the name of the dataset and/or member

In all cases describe as clearly as possible all the steps that lead to the problem and if it involves source code, JCL, etc, please use the
Code: Select all

We will try to help you, but we are not clairvoyants.

Also, do not send private messages with questions of a general nature to the moderators (sysprog, sfan & prino), use the forum!

Finally, do not use SMS type language, if you're intelligent enough to work on a z/OS system, you can at least make the effort to write normal standard English, even if that is not your native language. Firefox has an excellent English spelling checker that you can download, or you can use your favorite word-processor with its spelling checker to write your message offline. Also do not shout, in other words don't enter a message in all-uppercase.
Robert AH Prins
robert.ah.prins @ the.17+Gb.Google thingy
Some programming here :mrgreen:
Posts: 479
Joined: Sat 06 Jun 2009, 21:41
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

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