How can I cancel my TSO session?

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How can I cancel my TSO session?

Postby sysprog » Fri 10 Jul 2009, 01:23

Sometimes my TSO session get disconnected, but still logging on. When I try to logon to TSO again, it says my userid is already logon.
How can I fix this?

There are two methods to fix this:

1. Reconnect your TSO session.
When you logon to your TSO session again, at the panel you enter your password, type 'S' before 'Reconnect'.
The Reconnect field locates at the bottom right of the TSO logon panel.

2. Cancel your session.
If you cannot reconnect your TSO session, use following site to cancel your TSO session, so that you can logon to TSO again:
You need enter your TSO userid and password to cancel your TSO session.
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Joined: Wed 20 May 2009, 04:03

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