1. Use click following link:
2. Issue IPLINFO from any ISPF command line.
Here is the snapshot of the IPLINFO:
- Code: Select all
********************************* Top of Data **********************************
*************** IPLINFO - SYSTEM INFORMATION FOR ADCD ***************
Today is Thursday 2009-07-09 (2009.190). The local time is 21:29:57.
The last IPL was Sunday 2009-07-05 (2009.186) at 07:05:34 (4 days ago).
The IPL was done with CLPA.
The system IPL address was 0A80 (Z6RES1).
The IPL LOAD PARM used was 0A82FDM1 (0A82 FD M 1).
The local time offset from GMT time is -4 hours.
The system is running in z/Architecture mode (ARCHLVL = 2).
The sysplex name is ADCDPL. This was system number 1 added to the sysplex.
The GRS system id (SYSNAME) is ADCD. The SMF system id (SID) is SYS1.
The currently active IODF data set is SYS1.IODF99.
Configuration ID = OS390 EDT ID = 00
The Master Catalog is CATALOG.Z16.MASTER on Z6SYS1.
The catalog alias level was 2 at IPL time.
The catalog alias level is currently 2.
The catalog type is ICF. SYS%-SYS1 conversion was not active at IPL time.
SYS%-SYS1 conversion is not currently active.
The OS version is z/OS 01.06.00 - FMID HBB7709 (SP7.0.6).
The primary job entry subsystem is JES2.
The JES2 level is z/OS 1.5. The JES2 node name is N1.
The security software is z/OS Security Server (RACF). The FMID is HRF7709.
The DFSMS level is z/OS 1.6.0.
The TSO level is 3.6.0.
The ISPF level is z/OS 01.06.00 (ISPF 5.6).
The VTAM level is 6.1.6.
The real storage online at IPL time was 2048M.
The real storage increment size is 1M with 2048 increments installed.
The potential real storage size is 2048M.
The reconfigurable storage size is 0MB.
The private area size <16M is 10240K.
The private area size >16M is 1769M.
The CSA size <16M is 2872K.
The CSA size >16M is 164732K.
The SQA size <16M is 1220K.
The SQA size >16M is 51112K.
The maximum V=R region size is 128K.
The default V=R region size is 64K.
The maximum V=V region size is 10216K.
The CPU model number is 2084.
The number of online CPUs is 2. The maximum number of CPUs is 8.
The number of GPs online at IPL time was 0.
The CPU serial number for CPU 00 is 08A89F2084 (8A89F), version code 00.
The CPU serial number for CPU 01 is 08A89F2084 (8A89F), version code 00.
The service units per second per online CPU is 2491.44.
The approximate total MIPS (SUs/SEC / 48.5 * # general CPUs) is 102.74.
The MSU capacity for this CEC is 57.
The defined MSU capacity for this LPAR is 57.