General Mainframe Info Links

This forum provides the frequently asked questions about our mainframe systems, such as TSO logon issue, CICS, DB2 usage, etc.

Moderators: steve-myers, Tim001

Forum rules
This FAQ is for our Dezhi Mainframe system, and may not apply to any other mainframe systems. Please use following forum for your questions: viewforum.php?f=4

General Mainframe Info Links

Postby prino » Tue 21 Jul 2009, 08:56

If you have general questions about z/OS, Cobol, JCL, Sort, in fact anything mainframe, you might consider registering at any (or all) of the following two fora:

Both of them have links to IBM manuals, and be warned that you will not be treated too kindly on the first one above if the answer(s) to your question(s) can be found in a manual or via Google...
Robert AH Prins
robert.ah.prins @ the.17+Gb.Google thingy
Some programming here :mrgreen:
Posts: 479
Joined: Sat 06 Jun 2009, 21:41
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

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